
List available drops

Skeleton Archer Hellhound Hell Spider Chief Skeleton Warrior
Thunder Lich Poison Bull Fighter Dark Knight
Elite Yeti Ice Queen
Shadow Poison Shadow Devil Death Knight
Death Gorgon
Bahamut Vepar Valkyrie Great Bahamut
Silver Valkyrie Lizard King
Mutant Bloody Wolf
Cyclops Skeleton Archer Hellhound Hell Spider
Poison Bull Fighter Shadow
Chief Skeleton Warrior 1 Chief Skeleton Archer 1 Dark Skull Soldier 1 Giant Ogre 1
Red Skeleton Knight 1 Magic Skeleton 1
Schriker1 Illusion of Kundun1
Rogue Centurion2 Blood Soldier2 Death Angel2 Necron2
Death Centurion2 Illusion of Kundun2
Aegis3 Rogue Centurion3 Blood Soldier3 Death Centurion3
Aegis4 Rogue Centurion4 Blood Soldier4 Death Angel 4
Ax Warrior
Cyclops Skeleton Archer Hellhound Hell Spider
Poison Bull Fighter Shadow
Death Tree Forest Orc
Totem Golem Grizzly Captain Grizzly Elite Yeti
Ice Queen Cyclops Skeleton Archer Hellhound
Hell Spider Chief Skeleton Warrior Thunder Lich Poison Bull Fighter
Dark Knight Shadow Poison Shadow Devil
Death Knight Death Gorgon Bahamut Vepar
Valkyrie Great Bahamut Silver Valkyrie Lizard King
Mutant Bloody Wolf Death Tree Forest Orc
Alquamos Schriker1 Illusion of Kundun1 Rogue Centurion2
Blood Soldier2 Death Angel2 Necron2 Death Centurion2
Illusion of Kundun2 Aegis3 Rogue Centurion3 Blood Soldier3
Death Centurion3 Schriker3 Aegis4 Rogue Centurion4
Blood Soldier4 Death Angel 4 Ax Warrior Chief Skeleton Warrior 1
Chief Skeleton Archer 1 Dark Skull Soldier 1 Giant Ogre 1 Red Skeleton Knight 1
Magic Skeleton 1
Totem Golem Grizzly Captain Grizzly
(Elite) Temple Gremlin (Elite) Temple Gargoyle